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My Fancy Pants Scrap Quilt (La Passacaglia)

Practice layouts for Rosettes before I knew anything. The fabric pull for La Passacaglia Family crafting on the trip home from...

Sunday, April 3, 2016

I am still off quilting to try and get rid of this pinched nerve. I've been working with Laila (8 on April 6th) making her first quilt. It is a surprise gift so can't post pics but she is doing great. She picked her own seam allowance so the quilt will be a little smaller than anticipated but that's ok. The first set of blocks were nine patch but all prints so the fact that the seams don't match is pretty well hidden. She now understands the importance of making all the same so the blocks of rows are going together well and those seams are matching so she'll be happy with it. She says she wants to do the quilting too. I'm really proud of her, she has even ripped out a few seams.
I've been watching you tube tutorials and reading quilting blogs. this is kind of counter productive because it just gives me more new ideas.

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